• 单词发音:英 [ si: mail ] 美 [ si maɪl ]
  • 基本解释:海里;浬
  • sea mile 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 名词(n.) 海里
  • 名词(n.)

sea mile 相关例句更多>

  • Point Pleasant is right at sea level, about 1 mile from the beach.
  • A day of mariner people be driven beyond forbearance, throw him to sea mile.
    一日海员们忍无可忍, 把他扔到了海里。
  • A day of morning, he broke a coffeepot to follow handgrip it threw sea mile.
  • I found something large floating on the sea about a mile away from the shore.
  • The village of Moonfleet lies half a mile from the sea on the right or west bank of the Fleet stream.
    慕华离村庄座落在华离河的右或西岸上, 距海边有半英里。
  • To the north, hopes are pinned to the construction of a 12km (7.4 mile) dam between the two sections of the sea.




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