- 基本解释:monetary compensatory account(ing) 货币补偿账目;monetary compensation amounts 货币补偿数量;money compensatory account(ing) 货币补偿账目;minimum control airspeed 最小空速控制
- mca 是什么意思及中文翻译:
- 缩写词(abbr.) monetary compensatory account(ing) 货币补偿账目
- 缩写词(abbr.) monetary compensation amounts 货币补偿数量
- 缩写词(abbr.) money compensatory account(ing) 货币补偿账目
- 缩写词(abbr.) minimum control airspeed 最小空速控制
- mca 大小写变形: MCaMCAmCAMca
- MCa mammary carcinoma 乳房癌
- MCA MicroChannel Architecture 微通道结构
- mCA m-coumaric acid 间香豆酸
- Mca MacassarMacassar 望加锡头(发)油
- mcat Medical College Admissions Test 医学院入学考试
- MCAS middle cerebral artery syndrome 大脑中动脉综合征
- tomcat 雄猫
- McAfee Network Associates
- McAslin [人名] [爱尔兰人、苏格兰人姓氏] 麦卡斯林 McAuslan的变体
mca 相关例句更多>
- Who able to deny incompetence of mca.
- Did that explain why the Koh Tsu Koon refused to help the MCA supporters?
- Did that explain why the Koh Tsu Koon refused to help the MCA supporters ?
- The Chinese community reacted with fury towards MCA's purchase of Nanyang Press.
- Don't contribute your hard earned money and let MCA leader take all the credits.
- Meanwhile, I have chosen not to respond to personal attack launched by MCA President.
与此同时, 我选择不回应马华总会长的人身攻击。