• 单词发音:英 [ ɪn'vɪgəreɪtə ] 美 [ ɪn'vɪgəˌreɪtə ]
  • 基本解释:n.补药,强壮剂
  • invigorator 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 名词(n.) 滋补药,鼓舞者

invigorator 相关例句更多>

  • Any invigorator take overdose harmful.
  • Counterjumper I am sorry, what you want is invigorator, my fault gives you bane.
    伙计对不起, 您要的是补药, 我错给您了毒药。
  • Be in with medical key in fact appropriate, with right, chinese rhubarb can be become invigorator.
  • I take Chinese traditional medicine now, excuse me hollow in the morning eat to be no good all right, basically be invigorator.
  • Counterjumper Can not be, the affirmation after the boss knows can scold me, bane can compare invigorator one times more expensive.
    伙计可不是, 老板知道后肯定会骂我, 毒药可比补药贵一倍呢。




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