• 单词发音:英 [ dʒɑː(r) ] 美 [ dʒɑːr ]
  • 基本解释:罐子;(啤酒)杯;缸;猛然震动
  • jar 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 名词(n.) 罐子
  • 名词(n.) (啤酒)杯
  • 名词(n.)
  • 名词(n.) 猛然震动
  • 不及物动词(vi.) 发出刺耳的声音
  • 不及物动词(vi.) 不和谐
  • 不及物动词(vi.) 不一致
  • 不及物动词(vi.) (对…)产生不快的影响
  • 及物动词(vt.) 使震动
  • jar 大小写变形: JARJar
  • jar 词态变化: 复数: jars第三人称单数: jars过去式: jarred现在分词: jarring


  • JAR jamming avoidance response 躲避干扰反应
  • JARS [计]= Job Accounting Report System,作业记帐报告系统
  • Jars 罐子( jar的名词复数 )
  • jarg jargonize 使成为行话或术语
  • jars 罐子( jar的名词复数 )
  • Jaron (Jaron)人名
  • Jarvie [人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 贾维 Jarvis的变体
  • jarred (使)撞击,震痛;使感到不快;(与……)不协调(jar 的过去式和过去分词)
  • jargonize 用术语讲,说行话


jar 相关例句更多>

  • A jar with a lid.
  • I want a kidney in a jar.
  • Put them in a jar and put the jar in the freezer.
  • Is it a jar of orange juice or a jar of apple juice in the cage
  • Carefully put the jar over the candle until the top jar rests on the dish.
  • Put some water in a glass jar. Hang the avocado pit over the mouth of the jar.
    再往一个玻璃广口瓶里倒些水, 将鳄梨核悬挂在瓶口。
  • Remove all labels, clean the bottle and jar, and invert the bottle into the jar.
  • jelly juice jump jeep jar He jumped out of the jeep with the juice and put the jelly in the jar.
  • Soon he made a big hole in the big jar. Immediately, the water rushed out from the jar and the child was saved.
    很快缸上出现了一个大洞, 水立刻流干了, 男孩得救了。
  • They use a paper string to suspend a pipeful of rice, put a stick vertically into a jar of rice and sling the whole jar up.
    用纸带吊起一斗米, 用光称杆垂直插入米坛中将整坛米吊起。





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