• 基本解释:Laser Disc 激光视盘
  • ld 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • [法]质量差价
  • ld 大小写变形: LdLD


  • hld held (hold的过去式)
  • bold 敢于冒险的
  • fold 折叠
  • gold 金,黄金
  • mold 模子
  • ALDO aldolase 醛缩酶
  • Gold [人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 戈尔德职业名称,金匠,来源于古英语,含义是“金子”(gold)
  • field
  • herald 使者,先驱,通报者
  • blindfold (尤指用布)挡住(某人)的视线

ld 相关例句更多>

  • You didn't ask for ld.
  • You brought your stamp and LD card?
  • Thats when l would appear and ld saunter to the rear
    此时我出现, 漫步到后车厢
  • W Ou LD a man STR angle h imself beca use of heart pain?
  • Try a5hew ou ld , hec ou 1 dn tm ake her change her mind.
    尽管他努力, 仍不能让她改变主意。
  • l had the whole day free, thought ld stop by for a little chatty.
  • Buckle of thinwalled steel tube is more easy to happen with larger LD ratio.
    长径比越大, 圆形薄壁钢管越容易发生屈曲
  • If there w ere a b ridge here, the distance wou ld be sho rtened fou r t imes.
  • Adding coal to adjust the heat balance of LD converter is a flexible and convenient technology.
    叙述了用加煤来调整转炉的热平衡, 是一种灵活方便的技术。
  • The distance between the near Gaussian apices is controlled accurately by controlling accurately the divergence of LD.
    通过对横向偏距的精确控制, 来控制相邻高斯分布的间距。




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