- 基本解释:n.c.v.no commercial value 无商业价值
- ncv 是什么意思及中文翻译:
- 缩写词(abbr.) no commercial value 无商品价值,无工业价值
- ncv 大小写变形: NCV
- NCV c.v.abbr.no commercial value 无商业价值
- NCVA National Center(s) for Volunteer Action 全国志愿者行动中心
- NCVO National Council for Voluntary Organizations 全国志愿组织理事会
- NCVS [医][=nerve conduction velocity studies]神经传导速度研究
- NCVT National Crime and Violence Test 国家犯罪和暴力测试
- NCVAE National Council for Audio-Visual Aids in Education 全国教育视听教具委员会
- NCVOTE National Center for Vocational, Occupational, and Technical Education 全国职业技术教育中心
ncv 相关例句更多>
- NCV in the group without PLDD was significantly lower than that in the sham group.