- 单词发音:英 [ ˌen eɪtʃ ˈes ] 美 [ |en eɪtʃ |es ]
- 基本解释:net hydrocarbon sand (oilwell) 净碳氢化合物沙子(油井);normal human sera 正常人血浆
- nhs 是什么意思及中文翻译:
- 缩写词(abbr.) net hydrocarbon sand (oilwell) 净碳氢化合物沙子(油井)
- 缩写词(abbr.) normal human sera 正常人血浆
- nhs 大小写变形: NHSNHs
- NHS National Health Service 英国国民健康保险制度
- NHs nodular hidradenomas 结节性汗腺腺瘤
- INHS 吸入
- NHSA National Head-Start Associatiom 全国启蒙教育协会
- NHSB National Highway Safety Bureau 国家公路安全局
- NHSC [医][=National Health Service Corps]国民卫生服务队
- NHSF National Hispanic Scholarly Fund 全国拉丁美洲学者基金
- NHSO New Haven Symphony Orchestra 纽黑文交响乐团
- NHSc concentrated normal human serum 浓缩的正常人血清
nhs 相关例句更多>
- Code of Practice for NHS Employers
- She said there was anecdotal evidence of increasing maggot use in the NHS.
- The fees offered by the NHS do not recompense dental surgeons for their professional time.
- Glaxo seems to be arguing that the government's dilemma was of its own making, since the NHS recommended last October that doctors not prescribe the drug.