• 单词发音: 美 [ ní:nə,nái- ]
  • 基本解释:National Institute Northern Accelerator 国家北部加速器研究所;Neutron Instruments for Nuclear Analysis 核分析中的中子仪器;No Irish Need Apply 无爱尔兰人必需品
  • nina 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 缩写词(abbr.) National Institute Northern Accelerator 国家北部加速器研究所
  • 缩写词(abbr.) Neutron Instruments for Nuclear Analysis 核分析中的中子仪器
  • 缩写词(abbr.) No Irish Need Apply 无爱尔兰人必需品
  • nina 大小写变形: Nina



nina 相关例句更多>

  • Nina is studying to be an architect.
  • Nina, annie's much too spirited for this kid.
  • Annie was just like me, and Bryan was just like Nina.
    安妮就像我一样, 而布莱恩就像尼娜。
  • Nina alerts Jack that Kim's body was found in the water.
    尼娜向杰克通报, 金姆的尸体在海上被发现了。
  • Jack requests that Nina get Tony to access the Darcet files.
    在杰克授意下, 尼娜安排托尼去设法查看达塞特的档案。
  • Green interrogates Tony and accuses him of covering up for Nina.
  • Nina is furious that Jack would have even thought of accusing her.
    尼娜十分愤怒, 因为她没想到杰克竟然会对她产生怀疑。
  • At CTU, Jamey convinces Jack to shut Nina off from confidential access.
    在反恐组, 杰米说服了杰克, 不让尼娜染指机密的文件。
  • Bt DTU, Jamey convinces Jack to shut Nina off from confidential access.
  • Nina is an editor of a fashion magazine so she spends a lot of time in analyzing the current trends.




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