photocopy 相关例句更多>
- and agreed to fund her research provided she share a photocopy of the book.
- Photocopy of age identification should be submitted if there is an age limit.
如课程有年限制, 必须提供年证明副本。
- Photocopy of the latest academic transcript and certificate attained by the applicant.
- You are advised to make a photocopy of the completed application for your own reference.
- If additional application is needed, please photocopy this application form and submit it to the Bank.
如须递交更多申请, 请影印此申请表, 填妥后一并交予本行。
- I am willing that a photocopy of this authorization be accepted with the same authority as the original.
- Have you had any qualification of first aid Please list the year of qualification with photocopy attached.
曾否考获急救证书?请列出考获年份, 并附上副本证明。
- Each registrant should complete a separate registration form. Photocopy of registration form is acceptable.
每张表格只供一位参加者填写, 表格可以复印。
- publication or the photocopy that have positive result of academic level job level of English of requirement of
学术论文, 出版物或具有学术水平工作成果的复印件
- The photocopy of the letter of authorization on the fact that the trustee entrusts the custodian to apply for the opening of bond custody accounts.