• 单词发音:英 [ 'slɪpʌp ] 美 [ 'slɪpˌʌp ]
  • 基本解释:n.错误,失败,不幸
  • slipup 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 名词(n.) 错误,失败,不幸

slipup 相关例句更多>

  • Someone made a slipup in the printed program.
  • Cyndi had a slipup with this friend of ours, Kyle.
  • Due to a big slipup, the students were sent home early today.
    由於一个大疏忽, 使得学生今天提早放学回家。
  • Which means, unfortunately that one more slipup and I have to expel you.
    很不幸, 这意味这再有一个错误, 我就得开除你。
  • The slipup on Thursday is not an alarm bell but just a regrettable episode.
    周四的失败不是警钟, 只是一个让人遗憾的插曲。
  • You wouldnt like me to rake out all your muck, would you This is my first slipup, and youre the one to blame!




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