- 基本解释:surface-mount device 表面安装器件;storage module device 储能模量装置;senile macular degeneration 衰老型斑点恶化;submanubrial dullness 胸骨柄下浊音
- smd 是什么意思及中文翻译:
- 缩写词(abbr.) surface-mount device 表面安装器件
- 缩写词(abbr.) storage module device 储能模量装置
- 缩写词(abbr.) senile macular degeneration 衰老型斑点恶化
- 缩写词(abbr.) submanubrial dullness 胸骨柄下浊音
- smd 大小写变形: SMD
- SMD Doctor of Sacred Music 圣乐博士
- smds Switched Multimegabit Data Service(通过电话网实现)交换式多兆位数据服务
- GSMD General Society of Mayflower Descendants (乘)五月花(号移民新大陆的)后代总团体
- SMDA [医]Safe Medical Devices Act of 1990(USA)
- SMDC [医][=sodium methyldithiocarbamate]威百亩,甲基二硫代氨基甲酸钠:烟熏剂型农药
- SMDR station message detail recording 站点信息详细记录
- sMDS secondary myelodysplastic syndrome 继发性骨髓发育不良综合征
- SMDS Switched Multimegabit Data Service(通过电话网实现)交换式多兆位数据服务
- ISMDA Independent Sewing Machine Dealers Association 独立缝纫机器经销商联合会
smd 相关例句更多>
- SMD Power Inductor, Line Filters, Open Type Inductors.
- Both UV scanning spectrum and IR spectrum coupling occurred between SMD and BSA.