• 单词发音:英 [ in pɔint ɔv ] 美 [ ɪn pɔɪnt ʌv ]
  • 基本解释:关于, 就…而论
  • in point of 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 关于, 就…而论

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  • In point of ability he is superior.
    就才能而言, 他优越于别人。
  • In point of fact, she is their adopted daughter.
  • With a little abstinence, you know, my dear, in point of vegetables.
  • In point of ability there is not a length of a street between these two men.
    就能力而言, 这两个人相差无几。
  • In some cases, the absence of a fund has been a point of negotiation differences.
  • The Analyzing of the Punning in Advertisement Through the Point of the View of Pragmatics
  • Clinical Research of Transcurtaneons Heparin Injection in the Point of Lungs for Adjunctive Tveatment of Children Pheumonia
  • An Explanation on the Rationality of Modernization Should be Taken as New Academic Growth Point in Philosophy of Science and Technology
  • Debate in the house of commons on a motion to adjourn the sit, used by backbench mps to raise point of particular interest to themselves.
  • In addition, you can download information from a list of restaurants, hotels and tourist spots on the network's 'point of interest' feature, a handy database that will be continually expanded.




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