• 单词发音:英 [ ˈpə:pəs meɪd ] 美 [ ˈpɚpəs med ]
  • 基本解释:特制
  • purpose made 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 特制

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purpose made 相关例句更多>

  • The LORD has made everything for its purpose
    耶和华所造的, 各适其用,
  • We spoke to little purpose. Her mind was clearly made up already.
  • In ancient Egypt ivory clappers were made with just that purpose in mind.
  • He made his face dirty on purpose in order not to be recognized by the enemy.
    为了不被敌人认出, 他故意把脸弄脏。
  • Macheda made an immediate impact to give a hitherto blunt United attack purpose.
    马切达立刻就表现了影响力, 让曼联的进攻更加凌厉。
  • Please send drawing of Shovel with material made for customs purpose too, thanks.
  • Yahweh made everything for a purpose, even the evildoer for the day of punishment.
    上主所造的各有其用意, 连恶人也有不幸的一日。
  • For the purpose of payment of the contract price, payments will be made in the amount and currency.
  • My dear Miss Price, I beg your pardon, but I have made my way to you on purpose to entreat your help.
    亲爱的普莱斯小姐, 请你原谅, 我是特意来求你帮忙的。
  • It seems that he made it up just for this purpose, but decided to keep it afterward as his Royal Seal.




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