• 单词发音:英 [ ˈlisn æt ] 美 [ ˈlɪsən æt ]
  • 基本解释:把耳朵贴在…上听
  • listen at 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 把耳朵贴在…上听

listen at 相关例句更多>

  • Clara might have stooped to listen at the door.
  • Mnhmnh. Listen, listen, you will not kiss me at work.
  • That's right. I can't listen to the ninth anymore at all.
  • Son, eVery abundance one have to listen to criticism at whiles.
    儿子, 每独立个体在某个时间都得听一部份批评。
  • Is apologetic, you at say what, I how didnt 1 listen to understand
    抱歉, 你们在说什么呢, 我怎么一句没听明白?
  • Listen, at the boat yard you've got a fast cigarette boat, right ?
    听着, 在码头你有一艘快艇, 对不对?
  • Listen to the tape again. at your text, but at the key the blackboard.
    再听一遍录音, 不看课文, 只看黑板上的关键词, 加深印象。
  • Listen, recite and remember the content of alcoran at any moment and everywhere
  • If you can't listen actively, at least to the person you love, there's a problem.
  • The moxa benefit wants to query full abdomen words, yet is stopped at her, can instinctively listen memories.




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