• 基本解释:李人
  • Li people 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 黎族

Li people 相关例句更多>

  • Li We do admire people fluent in two languages.
  • people a thousand li apart may be linked by marriage
  • Other people, such as Comrade Li Weihan, have also written about their mistakes.
    有人也写了自己得错误, 比如李维汉同志。
  • According to some modern critics, li yu's Ci poems evince a certain affinity to the people.
  • Among the people who accept and spread Balzac at home, Li Jianwu belongs to the distinguished.
  • Li Ming is writing a letter of apology because he gathered together a group of people and ran riot.
  • Li Yu says, old the meeting on the conference of interiorly often to tall canal people such ask a question.
    李瑜说, 陈在内部的会议上会经常向高管们这样发问。
  • The Li Shufu of maniac of group of the car that be called does not cry criterion already amaze the people with a single brilliant feat.
  • An Examination of the Date on which the Army of the Yuan Dynasty Went on A Punitive Expedition to the Li People at the End of the Zhiyuan Reign
  • The discovery of a swift courser capable of running a thousand Li a day is invariably preceded by the emergency of a horse connoisseur like Bole. Swift coursers are available more often than not, but people like Bole are rarely found.




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