• 单词发音:英 [ lʌmp sʌm ˈpeimənt ] 美 [ lʌmp sʌm ˈpemənt ]
  • 基本解释:总付
  • Lump Sum Payment 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 总付

包含Lump Sum Payment的短语更多>

Lump Sum Payment 相关例句更多>

  • To check whether relating back of the lump sum payment is advantageous to you.
  • Provides a lump sum payment in the event of death or dismemberment as a result of an Accident
  • Provide a lump sum payment in the event of a death, burns or dismemberment as a result of an accident.
    赔偿因意外事故导致的身故, 烧伤或残疾。




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