• 单词发音:英 [ misˈteik fɔ: ] 美 [ mɪˈstek fɔr ]
  • 基本解释:把…错认为,错把…当作
  • mistake for 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 把…错认为,错把…当作

mistake for 相关例句更多>

  • This was a fatal mistake for Germany.
  • Children may eat pills in mistake for sweets.
  • It is a big mistake for her to have bought the clothes.
  • I know it would be a mistake for Caterpillar workers to do that.
  • Yet it would be a mistake for the state to impose broad pay caps.
  • We believe it would be a bad mistake for supervisors to stay aloof.
    我们认为, 监管机构置身事外是一种严重错误。
  • He said it would be a huge mistake for countries to allow the Doha round to die.
    他说, 各国让多哈回合失败会是很大的错误。
  • It would be a monumental mistake for Chelsea to part company with The Special One.
    如果让老穆离开, 那一定是一个极大的错误。
  • This was a courage that Madame Defarge so little comprehended as to mistake for weakness.
  • If you create a join by mistake, for example, a join between two fields that have dissimilar data types, you can delete it.
    如果错误地创建了一个联接, 可以将其删除。




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