• 基本解释:(Matthieu)人名;(德、法)马蒂厄
  • Matthieu 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 名词(n.) (Matthieu)人名
  • 名词(n.) (德、法)马蒂厄

Matthieu 相关例句更多>

  • And Matthieu's happiness measure is off the charts.
    结果马蒂厄的幸福度测量结果 打破了之前的记录
  • Matthieu's brain scan shows that compassion is not a chore.
    马蒂厄的脑扫描图显示 对人心怀恻隐并非一份苦差事
  • Reading about Matthieu was one of the pivotal moments of my life.
    读马蒂厄的故事 在我人生中起了重要作用
  • And learning about Matthieu gave me a new angle to look at my work.
    向马蒂厄学习 使我从新的角度看待我的工作




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