• 单词发音:英 [ ðis wei ] 美 [ ðɪs we ]
  • 基本解释:这么;这么样;这样
  • this way 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 这么;这么样;这样
  • this way 大小写变形: This way

包含this way的短语更多>

this way 相关例句更多>

  • You go that way, I go this way, we corner them.
    你走那边, 我走这边, 我们截住他们。
  • Dory This way! He went this way! Quick! Hey! Hey, hey! Hey!
  • One woman refused to abide by this and abase herself in this way.
  • Let me put it this way, we've agreed to do this deal on an FOB basis.
  • It is a great honour for us to assist you in this way, in any way we can.
    能够帮助你们是我们的荣幸, 我们倾尽全力。
  • Now, we aren't really used to talking about this, about talent, about creativity, in this way.
  • Only in this way was municipal solid waste final treatment way of resource recovery accomplished.
  • Certainly, no allround knowledge can be acquired merely by glancing this way and that way and relying on hearsay.
  • From this moment onward, throughout endless future lives, may this disciple be able to take refuge in Your Holiness in this way!
  • If we can help meet the need for clothing in this way, we can help meet the needs for food and other daily necessities in the same way.
    穿是这样, 吃, 用也是这样。




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