• 基本解释:中计;落入圈套
  • be trapped 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 中计;落入圈套

be trapped 相关例句更多>

  • But many are believed to be trapped in the collapsed buildings.
  • Rather than sitting in his chair, asas said to be trapped in the chair.
    与其说坐在椅子里, 还不如说是陷在椅子里。
  • treat as be trapped in in a cleaver manner back and forth be evident to sb
  • Who was concerned about a magician on earth who had allowed himself to be trapped ?
    有谁来关心一个甘心自投罗网得尘世间得魔术师 啊?
  • Rescue workers continue to search for more people that may be trapped in the debris.
  • China's online games industry appears to be trapped in a culture indifferent to the vicious cycle.
  • On the contrary, it may be trapped in a social crisis and even ruin the achievements of development.
    反之, 则可能陷入社会危机的困境, 甚至使发展成果毁于一旦。
  • Any local animals would appear to be trapped underground without provisions of any kind at this point.
  • There were continued concerns for an estimated 200,000 civilians believed to be trapped by the fighting.
  • Large catches of alates may be trapped in areas where the aphid population in the field is extremely small.




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