• 单词发音:英 [ ə fju: ] 美 [ e fju ]
  • 基本解释:少许, 少数;一点点;些许
  • a few 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 少许, 少数
  • 一点点
  • 些许

包含a few的单词更多>

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a few 相关例句更多>

  • She chose a few blossoms here, a few more there.
    她在这儿挑了几朵花, 在那儿又挑了几朵。
  • Running a few miles a few times a week should suffice.
    一周跑几次, 一次几英里就够了。
  • So this is after a few weeks, this is after a few months.
  • Menses completes a few Heaven's Queen totally having a few bleeding.
  • Writes a few words to be easy, to appreciate a few words to be difficult.
  • It is said that the eldest child penetrates very few clothes a few days ago!
  • But as a result of a variety of reasons, vinous develops a course a few cases a few fall.
    但是由于多种原因, 葡萄酒的发展经过几起几落。
  • There are quite a few methods of repairing the nasal alar defect, but few are satisfactory.
  • with Overture, it can take a few hours to a few days to have your ads approved and displayed.
  • Like all great change, the rise steeply of small penguin also lets a few jubilate a few anxious.

a few的近反义词




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