• 单词发音:英 [ ɡəu tu: wə:k ] 美 [ ɡo tu wɚk ]
  • 基本解释:开始行动;上班;上工;出工
  • go to work 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 开始行动
  • 上班
  • 上工
  • 出工

go to work 相关例句更多>

  • I was afraid to go to work the following night.
  • I have not been able to go to work for three days.
  • almost to the sea, to go to work for Apple Computer.
    几乎穿洋过海 最终我到了苹果公司工作
  • Sometimes anxious to go to work, let me dumbfounding.
  • I can't hang about anymore because I hurry to go to work.
    我不可能磨磨蹭蹭的, 因为我要赶着去上班。
  • He affected illness so that he did not have to go to work.
    他假装生病, 这样可以不去上班。
  • But he had finished it anyway and before anyone had to go to work.
    但是他反正把它结束了, 而且赶在任何人上工之前。
  • Say, he is enraged the ground is taking attache case to go to work.
    说完, 他气乎乎地拿著公事包去上班了。
  • I usually go to work Monday to Friday, I usually have to work by bicycle.
    我通常星期一到星期五都去上班, 我上班通常骑自行车去。
  • If you're in the position to make choices, go to work for organizations and people you admire.
    如果你可以选择的话, 为你景仰的公司和个人工作。




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