• 单词发音:英 [ teik ˈmedisin ] 美 [ tek ˈmɛdɪsɪn ]
  • 基本解释:吃药,服药
  • take medicine 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 吃药,服药

包含take medicine的短语更多>

take medicine 相关例句更多>

  • Children must take medicine under adults wardship.
  • Take medicine to cooperate physiotherapy, acne goes scar machine.
  • When I was ill, she worried, feed me to take medicine, accompany me.
  • Be pregnant can a month take medicine abort? How long? Get much money?
  • Excuse me the infantile snuffle of 3 months, can cough take medicine What drug to take
    请问3个月的婴儿鼻塞,咳嗽能吃药吗 吃什么药
  • Pharmacist Of course it has. Remember, you must take medicine as advised by the doctor!
    药师当然有。记着, 一定要遵医嘱服药!
  • The green jade son had no a short while to take medicine oil and also had a what Dan medicine.
  • She repeatedly told me to remember to take a good rest, dietary laws, to take medicine on time.
    她反复叮嘱我记得好好休息, 饮食规律, 按时吃药。
  • Therefore, friends and family members are advised to encourage patients to take medicine according to the doctor's advice.
  • Pilose antler, amber, 35 appropriate waiting for medicine grind first fine pink, reoccupy decoct agent or take medicine with water of warm boiled water.




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