• 基本解释:有学校

have school 相关例句更多>

  • Add truth to a pile of red brick and you have school.
    一堆红砖碧瓦, 一旦有了真理就成了学校。
  • Register for school if you have children at school age.
    有学龄子女, 办理入学手续。
  • In Malawi, the secondary school, you have to pay school fees.
    马拉维的中学 是需要缴费的
  • I have passed the Senior High School Certificate before leaving school.
  • Most teachers in this elementary school have a higher normal school diploma.
  • We a half of aof school thursday and friday and monday we do not have school.
    我们星期四星期五上半天课, 星期一不上课。
  • I like to roam in our school, our school is so beautiful, I have a crush on her.
  • Some of the other actors have called it the best drama school they could ever have wanted.
  • The kids have gone off to school and the adults have just finished their morning household chores.
  • Teacher of School of run by the local people and fair education does school teacher have same legal place?




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