• 单词发音:英 [ in ðə end ] 美 [ ɪn ði ɛnd ]
  • 基本解释:最后,结果;竟;卒;终
  • in the end 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 最后,结果

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  • In the end he had got mixed up in some shady affair.
  • In the end he will want to spew you out as the abominable thing.
    于是打击之来, 便十倍难受了。
  • In the end, you will have followed every step in agonizing detail.
  • In the end he abstracted the most important points from his long speech.
  • All feasts must break up in the end; all good things must come to an end.
  • This claim may or may not come true in the end, but it is hard to disprove in advance.
    这种说法不知道能不能最终兑现, 但是很难进一步反驳。
  • In the end who is the aggressor, in the end who the colonists, who in the end is brutal gangster.
  • In addition, his beloved Yingzi, who once loved him crazily, falls in love with Mangan in the end.
  • I looked lackadaisical her mother heartache in the end, she took leave of absence to the leadership.
  • Taking advantage of the sharp social contradiction within Liangwu's Houing, in the end, took Taicheng in Jiankang.
    而侯景利用梁境内尖锐的社会矛盾, 最终又攻陷了建康台城。




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