• 单词发音:英 [ ə bit ] 美 [ e bɪt ]
  • 基本解释:稍微; 有一点儿;短时间; 短距离
  • a bit 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 稍微
  • 有一点儿
  • 短时间
  • 短距离

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  • A bit more, a bit more will do.
  • Fitting boots is a bit of a science and a bit of an art.
  • He's gonna aim for something a bit plainer, a bit easier.
  • A muskeg berry is a bit of seed enclosed in a bit of water.
    这种沼地浆果只有一小粒种籽, 外面包着一点浆水。
  • A muskeg berry is a bit of seed enclosed in a bit of water.
  • Financing is a bit difficult now, we rhythm a little rein in a bit.
    现在融资稍困难, 我们就把节奏稍微放慢一点。
  • Reg walks a bit steady these days, sometimes with a bit of a stoop.
    注册走位稳定的这些天, 有时有点屈尊。
  • I may have spoken a bit too freely, been a bit extreme, even laid it on a little.
  • He had a bit of a moan at us because we were playing within ourselves a little bit, stated Lampard.
    他对我们大声咆啸, 因为我们自己踢得很糟糕, 兰帕德表示说。
  • The utility model discloses a connecting sleeve for a bit, and relates to a connecting device for the bit.
    一种钻头连接套管, 涉及到一种钻头连接装置。




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