• 单词发音:英 [ tʃaɪˈni:z ˈmedisin ] 美 [ tʃaɪˈniz ˈmɛdɪsɪn ]
  • 基本解释:汉医
  • Chinese medicine 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 汉医

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Chinese medicine 相关例句更多>

  • Retail chemicals, antibiotics, proprietary Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine Yinpian.
  • Former hospital director of Chinese medicine, Hubei College of traditional Chinese Medicine professor.
  • Four hospital of traditional Chinese medicine Professor Liu Yaxian treatment with Chinese medicine, can try.
    四院中医科刘亚先教授用中药治疗, 也可试试。
  • This is what the traditional Chinese medicine science calls a deficiency illness. Take some Chinese medicine.
    你这是中医说的虚症, 吃点中药吧。
  • abstract Traditional Chinese medicine pharmacology is a link of traditional Chinese medicine and modern medicine.
  • SubjectTopicalEng Hubei College of Chinese Medicine Chinese Traditional Medicine Nursing Clinic Acupuncture Stomatology.
  • Paying Attention of Difference between Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine and Abolishing Standardizing Chinese Medicine with Western Standards
    正视中医西医差异, 革除中学西范时弊
  • The vomiting and diarrhea vomitus is like the traditional Chinese medicine soup, I have not taken traditional Chinese medicine. Chinese patent drug.
  • The attributive channel hypothesis and the modernization of traditional chinese medicine A Probe into Relating Chinese Medicine to Brain and Channel Tropism
  • Several experience of teaching emergency treatment of Chinese medicine to students with diploma of junior college trying to obtain undergraduate diploma through correspondence in higher adult education of Chinese medicine




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