• 基本解释:与…交友,与…交朋友,和睦;轧
  • make friends with 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 动词(v.) 与…交友,与…交朋友,和睦
  • 动词(v.)

make friends with 相关例句更多>

  • I won't allow my son to make friends with that fellow.
  • He told me again and again not to make friends with her.
  • Try to make friends with Ana. She will be your good friend.
  • He was really mad at me and said he didnt make friends with me anymore.
    他真的对我感到很生气, 并且说他不想再做我的好朋友了
  • By all means make friends with the dog, but do not lay aside the stick.
    可以和狗交友, 但勿忘打狗棒。
  • B Going shopping with foreigners is a good way to make friends with them.
  • Summer schools aid you to make friends with children from all over the world.
    八, 假日学校助你广交国际朋友。
  • I'd like to make friends with someone who shares my ambitions and outlook on life.
  • I used to think I could make friends with anybody, that it was easy to talk about anything.
    我曾认为我可以跟任何人交朋友, 容易与人谈任何话题。
  • Make friends with an official and you become poor, with a merchant you wax rich and with a priest you acquire a subscription Book.




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