• 基本解释:黄河
  • Yellow River 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 名词(n.) 黄河

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Yellow River 相关例句更多>

  • Which river is longer, the Yangtze River or the Yellow River?
    长江和黄河, 哪一条河流更长?
  • Which river is longer, the Yellow River or the Changjiang River?
    哪条河长一些, 黄河还是长江?
  • Analysis on the Influence of Yellow River's Beheading of Fenhe River on Fenhe River.
  • The Yellow River is our mother river, the Yellow River has created a vast North China Plain.
  • As the largest branch of Yellow river, Weihe River is also the longest river in Guanzhong Plain.
    渭河是黄河第一大支流, 也是关中平原最大的河流。
  • The Yellow River Indignation, a soprano solo, is the Sixth Movement of The Yellow River Cantata.
    摘要黄河怨是黄河大合唱的第六乐章, 是一首女高音独唱曲。
  • Water and soil conservation measures in the middle Yellow river and its influence for the lower Yellow river
  • Dish from the Yellow River in Shandong Jinan Luo Town Pier, with the Yellow River carp, the bombing from center.
    此菜源于山东济南黄河码头洛口镇, 用黄河鲤鱼, 经炸, 熘而成。
  • Significance of the terminal channel diversion of the Yellow River in1996 and the evolution trend of Yellow River Delta
  • Canalization of the River Course of the Yellow River and Sustainable Development of the Plains of the Yellow River, the Huai River and the Hai River




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