• 单词发音:英 [ bai ðə taim ] 美 [ baɪ ði taɪm ]
  • 基本解释:到…时候为止;等到;比及
  • by the time 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 到…时候为止
  • 等到
  • 比及

by the time 相关例句更多>

  • By the time I get home, I'm too tired to do anything active.
  • By the time I made his acquaintance they had walked out on him.
  • By the time I did Bloomberg's headquarters my work had begun to become accepted.
  • For most people, acne goes awaycompletely by the time they are out of their teens.
    对于大多数人来说, 青春期一过, 痤疮也随之消失了。
  • He had become an accomplished man of the world by the time he reached young manhood.
  • By the time, many advanced women flooded to lower primary school and higher primary school.
    那时候的前进妇女正是纷纷地大批涌进初小, 高小。
  • So by the time Paul writes I Corinthians, women are acknowledged as an important part of his churches.
    所以保罗写哥林多前书时, 女人被认可为教会的重要部分。
  • By the time he reached his78s, Mr. Iyengar had become accustomed to the kind of reception usually reserved for pop stars.
  • By the time he reached his80s, Mr. Iyengar had become accustomed to the kind of reception usually reserved for pop stars.
  • And I see that opting out that happens in childhood, and it moves in and becomes more ingrained, even by the time you get to adult life.
    我发现这种童年时的改变 会变得越来越深刻 甚至直至成年




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