• 单词发音:英 [ kætʃ ˈfaɪə(r) ] 美 [ kætʃ ˈfaɪər ]
  • 基本解释:着火;失火;发火;走水
  • catch fire 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 着火
  • 失火
  • 发火
  • 走水

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  • Paper is apt to catch fire.
  • The dry grass catch fire, but we beat it out.
    乾草著火了, 但我们把火扑灭了。
  • The papers in the waste paper basket catch fire.
  • For the first time the campaign began to catch fire.
  • Early autumn such as tiger, extremely hot catch fire.
  • It may also melt or boil or cook or catch fire or explode.
  • When the light shines just sg s bronze squares in the doors seem to catch fire.
    当光线恰好照过来时, 门上的青铜色方块就像着了火似的。
  • We collected sticks to boil our kettle, but they were damp and would not catch fire.
    我们拾柴烧水, 但是柴太湿了, 烧不起来。
  • The more energy packed into a battery, the higher the danger that the liquid electrolyte will catch fire.
    电池存储的能量越多, 液态电解质着火的危险就越大。
  • Since early childhood, she collected firewood and half burnt cinders. We collected sticks to boil our kettle, but they were damp and would not catch fire.
    她从小就拾柴捡煤核。我们拾柴烧水, 但是柴太湿了, 烧不起来。




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