• 单词发音:英 [ kʌm ʌp tu ] 美 [ kʌm ʌp tu ]
  • 基本解释:达到;将近;来到近旁;比得上
  • come up to 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 达到
  • 将近
  • 来到近旁
  • 比得上

come up to 相关例句更多>

  • Im afraid this product doesnt come up to scratch.
    很遗憾, 这个产品没能达到标准。
  • Anyhow, they failed to come up to their standard this time.
  • Convincing secret service to allow you to come up here to see me.
  • Take out the horses quickly, and come up to me, said Andrea to his groom.
  • Kobayashi spent a lot of thought today dress up to come to animation festival.
  • People would come up to me after the conference, after my talk, men and women.
    人们在演讲后找到我 不论男女
  • The financial system had come up with ways to make lending risk appear to go away.
  • Regular meeting from the move on TV a lot of good advertisement come up to the network.
  • If put a condition apt come up to say, indeed is greatly negative the stuff of path is no.
    若是放到了场面上来说, 简直是大逆不道之事。
  • Failure to come up with an opinion within the prescribed period shall be deemed to be an approval.




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