• 单词发音:英 [ ðə ˈmiːdiə ] 美 [ ðə ˈmiːdiə ]
  • 基本解释:舆论界
  • the media 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 舆论界

the media 相关例句更多>

  • The media have also abetted the feeling of unreality.
  • The media are accusing the Government of being bankrupt of good ideas.
  • The participation of the media has resulted in more accurate statistics.
  • They have a yellowish color owing to the accumulation of elastin in the media.
  • After the uneven bars competition ended, Yang Yi Lin has accepted the media interview.
  • But right now, I have the acceptance of the media. I have the acceptance of the audience.
    但现在, 我拥有媒体和歌迷的认可。
  • For the media, a public social tool, be truthful, righteous and accurate is the regulation that should be obeyed.
  • The Media Liaison and Accreditation Unit provided services to a number of journalists who covered the commemorative event.
  • The last is promoting the circulating communication of the medical academic periodical, try to stabilize the media ecology system.
    促进医学学术期刊的循环传播, 稳定媒介生态系统。
  • which is, that accusation comes from people in the U. S. government, from people in the media who are loyalists to these various governments.
    那些指责来自美国政府 来自媒体里拥护各个政府的人




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