• 单词发音:英 [ wʌns mɔː(r) ] 美 [ wʌns mɔːr ]
  • 基本解释:再, 又;重整旗鼓;再度;再次
  • once more 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 再, 又
  • 重整旗鼓
  • 再度
  • 再次

包含once more的短语更多>

once more 相关例句更多>

  • Input once the cipher code once more.
  • Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more!
    好朋友们, 再接再厉, 向缺口冲去吧!
  • please accept my cordial and humblest apologies for once more.
  • He pressed the accelerator again and the car jetted on once more.
  • And I dictated the lyric of YESTERDAY ONCE MORE once this afternoon.
  • I should accept harassment if I am modest, how am I able to escape once more ?
    如果谦虚都要受折磨, 我又怎能逃得过?
  • Barely sit down come, side have MM long get return ok, at once more take aim more eye
  • The order form headquarter sends out an once, arranges a handbook to repeat once more.
    订单部发一次, 安排手册再转发一次。
  • Once more, in education, advancement academic integrity pedagogical activity diversification, adaptation
    再次在教育上, 推进学术诚信教育活动的多样化, 生活化
  • Explained once more electronic commerce accountant is an inevitable trend which modern accountant develops.

once more的近反义词




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