• 单词发音:英 [ tɔ:k ˈɪntuː ] 美 [ tɔk ˈɪntu ]
  • 基本解释:说服(某人)做(某事)
  • talk into 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 说服(某人)做(某事)

talk into 相关例句更多>

  • A Brief Talk into the Performance Art of Music
  • A Talk into Deepening Mathematical Methods in Teaching
  • Gerome tried to talk her into taking an apartment in Paris.
  • What you do is you press this button, Daddy, and then you talk into it.
    当你握紧这个奖杯时, 爸爸你为此而发表了一篇讲演。
  • we cannot translate our mentalistic talk into the language of neurology.
  • And you turn around, and you look back into the space, and some people talk aloud.
    你会转身朝屋里看 有些人边看还边叫
  • Now, all ads be surplus and to talk about, and then further divided into two sides.
    而现在, 所有得广告都要和盈方去谈, 然后双方再分成。
  • The hospital attendant takes you into the labour room and a nurse comes in to talk with you.
    医院的护理人员送你到产房, 有一护士走进来与你谈话。
  • I don't know, but that is something we can talk about when we turn this damn place into an actual home.
    我不知道 等我们先把家 收拾出个样子再说。
  • We can talk about the role of vegetation in transporting water from the soils back into the atmosphere.
    我們也能談植被 從土壤中輸送水分 回到大氣層的角色




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