• 基本解释:不再
  • not anymore 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 不再

not anymore 相关例句更多>

  • Not to bay. Not anymore.
  • No, I'm not angry, not anymore.
    我不生气 不再生气了
  • Maybe 15 years ago. not anymore.
  • We're talking about a family vacation. Not anymore, we are not!
  • Most people are so ungrateful to be alive, but not you, not anymore.
    大多数人活着却不知心存感激, 但你不会, 你再也不会。
  • Most people are so ungrateful to be alive, But not you. Not anymore.
    大部分人都不知道感激还活着, 但是你不会了, 再也不会了。
  • At the outset of his career, he was full of ambition but not anymore.
    在事业刚开始时, 他踌躇满志, 但是现在却变了。
  • Not anymore!Can you believe it? They've decided that Pluto is not a planet anymore!
    现在可不是啦!你相信吗?? ? 决定取消冥王星的行星资格了。
  • But not anymore. governments have failed to overhaul the system, he said, his would not.
    他称, 上届政府没能对此制度进行革新, 而他不会这样。
  • Fomalhaut, however, is not actually the most isolated bright star, at least not anymore.




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