• 单词发音:英 [ ɪn ˈʌðə(r) wɜːdz ] 美 [ ɪn ˈʌðər wɜːrdz ]
  • 基本解释:换句话说;就是说
  • in other words 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 换句话说
  • 就是说

in other words 相关例句更多>

  • In other words, one thing has absolutely nothing to do with the other.
    换句话说 许多事情之间 是没有绝对的关联的
  • In other words, they make him feel less helpless in the face of adversity.
  • In other words, face reality and be adult in your responses to life's challenges.
  • In other words, in Humen, every two people, one is engaged in the apparel industry.
    也就是说, 在虎门, 每两个人中, 就有一个是从事服装行业的。
  • In other words, no law other than the law of the protecting State could be applied.
  • In other words, that risk on the quarter acre needed to be repaid in a single harvest.
    就是说, 冒的风险需要在一个年成里偿还。
  • In other words, your position in life comes to seem not accidental, but merited and deserved.
    换句话说,你在社会的地位不是偶然 而都是你配得的
  • In other words, the United States could not be absolutely impartial in these new circumstances.
  • In other words, the percentage of poor and extremely poor households decreased in absolute terms.
  • In other words, the Soviet Union would abstain from a resolution favoring a simple ceasefire in place.
    换言之, 对于一项赞同简单就地停火的决议, 苏联将投弃权票。




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