• 单词发音:英 [ ɪn dɪˈfens ɒv ] 美 [ ɪn dɪˈfens əv ]
  • 基本解释:保卫,捍卫
  • in defence of 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 保卫,捍卫

in defence of 相关例句更多>

  • We can find nothing to say in defence of his action.
  • You must reject it out of hand in defence of traditional academic values.
    为了捍卫传统学术价值, 你必须立刻回绝。
  • In matters of defence he was not a pacifist but an advocate of armed neutrality.
  • A Study of Hedges in the Lawyer's Defence from the Perspective of Adaptation Theory
  • The male was extremely aggressive and set off after the wild dogs in defence of his harem.
    这头巨大的雄水羚开始驱赶野狗, 局势马上开始扭转。
  • Asymmetries in defence capabilities also create the dangers of aggression and the use of force.
  • In addition, rules of engagement are under consideration within the Ministry of National Defence.
    另外, 国防部正在审议接战规则。
  • Payment of fines shall be recorded in accordance with the instructions issued by the National Ministry of Defence.
  • Violation of Contract in Advance and Destabilizing Defence and its Significance in the Improvement of China's Economic Contract Law
  • In addition, the international airports are under the jurisdiction of the National Aeronautical Police, which are part of the Ministry of Defence.




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