• 单词发音:英 [ ɔn ðə spɔt ] 美 [ ɑn ði spɑt ]
  • 基本解释:立刻;当场;在危险中;处于负责地位
  • on the spot 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 立刻
  • 当场
  • 在危险中
  • 处于负责地位

包含on the spot的单词更多>

  • Johnny-on-the-spot 召之即来的人,可随时找来帮忙的人,紧急时有用的人

on the spot 相关例句更多>

  • The accounts were checked on the spot.
  • The accused be find not guilty and discharge on the spot.
  • The surveyor will use a laptop computer to give on the spot advice.
  • The case of taxation evasion has put the famous actress on the spot.
  • A group of people gathered spontaneously on the spot of the accident.
  • Our competition adopts the form of giving out scores on the spot to show justice.
    我们得比赛采取当场亮分得形式, 以示公正。
  • Our competition adopts the form of giving out scores on the spot to show justice.
    我们的比赛采取当场亮分的形式, 以示公正。
  • No appeal will be accepted. The decisions of the referee on the spot will be final.
    大会不设上诉, 一切赛果以当场裁判员的决定为准。
  • No appeal will be accepted. The decisions of the referees on the spot will be final.
    大会不设上诉, 一切赛果以当场裁判之判决为准。
  • The maritime administrative agency, as well as the maritime administrative law enforcement personnel may confiscate the fines on the spot.




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