• 单词发音:英 [ streit ɔf ] 美 [ stret ɔf ]
  • 基本解释:立即,马上;痛痛快快
  • straight off 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 立即,马上
  • 痛痛快快

straight off 相关例句更多>

  • Lift the cover straight off.
  • Straight off the chain wit it
  • He should be arrested straight off.
  • Just tell me what it is and I'll confess straight off.
    你只用告诉我是什么, 我都马上招供。
  • And you can march straight off and join the British army.
    你可以直接出去, 混进英国人中。
  • Ubiquitous portable chord, straight off attributable spring.
    无处不携弦管, 直应占断春光。
  • Make sure you apply pressure to the cover as you lift It'straight off.
  • We went snorkelling straight off the beach and could see amazing tropical fish.
    我们去海滩潜水, 看漂亮的热带鱼。
  • Gowing annoyed me very much by filling a large tumbler of champagne, and drinking it straight off.
  • The biggest change to the exterior has to be the front end which comes straight off the Golf VI hatch.
    最大的改变外观, 必须在前端的是直了高尔夫六舱口。




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