• 基本解释:决不
  • in no way 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 决不

in no way 相关例句更多>

  • He was in no way affected by their misery.
  • In no way am I going to adopt any of his methods.
  • In no way can Israeli sovereignty over these holy places be accepted.
  • We are in no way arrogant confidence, we are actively, but not blindly.
    我们自信绝不自傲, 我们积极但不盲动。
  • I wish to stress that this film in no way endorses a belief in the occult.
    我要强调, 这部影片绝不认可相信神秘世界的事物。
  • But Shang Yang's shortcomings early on in his birth destined in no way Dunxing.
  • He seemed in no way dashed in spirits, nor did he at all abate in his activities.
    他的精神似乎始终没有消沉, 他的活动力一点也没有减弱。
  • The presence or absence of a hymen in no way indicates whether or not a female is a virgin.
  • But only shortly after meeting her, it seemed in no way out of place to think of her in such terms.
  • We trust that the confidence you have hitherto reposed in the firm will be in no way diminishing by the alter arrangement.

in no way的近反义词




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