• 单词发音:英 [ in ðə feis ɔv ] 美 [ ɪn ði fes ʌv ]
  • 基本解释:面对
  • in the face of 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 面对

包含in the face of的短语更多>

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  • In the face of uncertainty activism instead of imagination!
    啊标正在朝这个方向发展!加油, 好男人!
  • Maintain the strength of the marital bond in the face of adversity.
  • The police were accused of inaction in the face of a possible attack.
  • In other words, they make him feel less helpless in the face of adversity.
  • The Responsibilities of Academic Journals in the Face of Academic Impetuousness
  • We must not be accused of inaction in the face of human suffering and adversity.
  • And ruthless in the face of actual occurrence of human law, he will make to choice
    在面对人情是故和无情法律时, 他将作出如何的选择呢
  • In the face of such points he tends to adopt the stance of the intransigent prophet.
    在这些方面, 他倾向于采取不妥协的先知的立场。
  • Do not complain in the face of bad karmic forces. Be forgiving and accommodating instead of complaining.
  • You continue to plod forward in the face of just about any adversity, and you may face a good deal of adversity.

in the face of的近反义词




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