• 基本解释:人权法案;权利法案
  • Bill of Rights 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 名词(n.) 人权法案;权利法案
  • Bill of Rights 大小写变形: bill of rights

包含Bill of Rights的短语更多>

  • bill of rights 权利和自由法案,<美>美国宪法前十条修正案

Bill of Rights 相关例句更多>

  • The Bill of Rights, palladium of American civil liberties.
    人权法案, 美国公民自由的卫士
  • We were astonished when he sold the pass and voted against the Bill of Human Rights.
  • Announced a credit card bill of rights to provide disclosure of hidden credit costs.
  • Within the period of the public notice, assignment of rights on the bill shall be void.
    公示催告期间, 转让票据权利的行为无效。
  • Amendment in The Bill of Rights of American Constitutionare not criminal procedure, but the constitutional criminal.




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