• 单词发音:英 [ ˈkæri ʌp ] 美 [ ˈkæri ʌp ]
  • 基本解释:建高(房屋),追溯
  • carry up 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 建高(房屋),追溯

carry up 相关例句更多>

  • This boat can carry up to five people.
  • Oh, and yes, we do carry back up guns around our ankles
  • Lennie went dot and carry up the stairs with cups of tea.
    伦尼端着茶, 艰难地上了楼梯。
  • Not get in fights, carry weapons, or end up in jail as adults.
    不打架, 携带武器, 或在成年时进监狱。
  • The ship was designed to carry up to 36 Su33s and sixteen helicopters.
  • Each anther can carry up to 100, 000 grains of pollen, so, it's quite prolific stuff.
  • I set up to persuade the Admiralty to carry the development costs of the new microphone.
  • This hip young man can carry up to 8 soldiers and is equipped with quite a lot of nasty unguided rockets.
  • The hovercraft will be deployed on the new Type 071 landing platform dock , which can carry up to four hovercraft.
    这艘新船将部署新型071船坞登陆平台, 可携带多达四个气垫船。
  • The Airbus Industrie A3XX, with a double-decker fuselage which can carry up to 656 people in three classes, is the plane that has sparked the dreams of airborne cruise ships.




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