• 基本解释:[医]基线数据
  • baseline data 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • [医]基线数据

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  • Data were collected at baseline and after 6 and 10 months.
    数据 在6个月或12个月得截止日期前收集。
  • Data were collected at baseline and after 6 and 12 months.
    数据 在6个月或12个月的截止日期前收集。
  • This initial round of reporting establishes baseline data for2002.
  • We used these tools to build a baseline, and to collect historical data.
    我们使用这些工具构建一个基准, 并收集历史数据。
  • Objective To investigate baseline data of mental health service status and demand.
  • There are several options available for comparing baseline data with actual results.
  • These reports will also have to contain data for various years, including the baseline year.
  • Baseline clinical and dialysis data and serum biochemistries were used as independent variables.
  • No baseline data were found to be related to the prognosis due to a small sample size and selection bias.
    因小样本及选择偏倚, 无基线资料与预后相关。
  • The general exploration plan is to gather data on the mineral resources and to establish environmental baseline parameters.
    勘探总计划旨在收集矿物资源数据, 确定环境基线参数。




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