• 单词发音:英 [ tʃu:z frɔm ] 美 [ tʃuz frʌm ]
  • 基本解释:从…之间选择
  • choose from 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 从…之间选择

choose from 相关例句更多>

  • a wide assortment of gifts to choose from
  • South Asian and herbal teas to choose from.
  • Choose from Story Mode or Scavenger Mode to amass a fortune in booty!
  • Choose from the Protein or Vegetable list, or eat nuts from the Fats list.
  • There are several assorted chocolates to choose from in gift boxes or trays.
  • It is not possible to pick and choose from the clauses of the Algiers Agreements.
  • With so many options to choose from, people find it very difficult to choose at all.
    面对这么许多的选择 人们发现要做出决定非常困难。
  • At the alchemy table I could choose from the list of all the ingredients in my inventory.
    在炼金图表里, 我可以选择物品栏里任何的材料。
  • Choose from hundreds of texts and illustrations stored in memory, or download a fresh tale from the Net
  • And that means that the artistic director now has a palette that he or she can choose from between a series of forms and a series of processions.
    这意味着艺术导演 现在可以选择 不同表演方式




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