• 基本解释:圈舞
  • circle dance 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 圈舞

circle dance 相关例句更多>

  • The music for this circle dance.
  • The children had a dance in a circle.
  • A spirited circle dance of Provencal derivation.
  • Some dancers formed a circle around Brett and started to dance.
    一些跳舞的人围着布雷特形成一个圈子, 并开始跳起舞来。
  • After the song, a male dance expert leads others to form a circle.
    由一名男性舞蹈能手领头, 围成圆圈歌舞行进。
  • People gather on the square and dance in a circle during the festival.
    庆典的时候, 大家围成一圈在广场上跳舞。
  • Observers circle around two dancers during the International Fellowship Dinner and Dance.
    在国际联谊晚宴与舞会当中, 围观者围绕著两位舞者。
  • It was evident that the circle dance told the bees about the location of the feeding place.
  • Turn to have to spend a circle in that dream in lightly moving butterfly dance day the female spread a flower, the carriage finish thousand!
  • Guozhuang (during festivals or slack farm season, Tibetan men and women form a circle and move from right to left while singing and dancing) is a Tibetan folk dance.




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