- 基本解释:cerebral blood flow 脑血流量;Council Bluffs, Iowa 美国;cranial blood flow 颅血流量;calf blood flow 腓肠血流量
- CBF 是什么意思及中文翻译:
- 缩写词(abbr.) cerebral blood flow 脑血流量
- 缩写词(abbr.) Council Bluffs, Iowa 美国
- 缩写词(abbr.) cranial blood flow 颅血流量
- 缩写词(abbr.) calf blood flow 腓肠血流量
- CBF 大小写变形: cbf
- cbf [暗黑破坏神]Cannot Be Frozen 不能被冰冻
- CBFC Commander British Forces in Cyprus 在塞浦路斯的英国军队
- CBFG Commander British Forces, Gulf 海湾英国军队指挥官
- CBFS carbon black feedstock oil 碳黑原料油
- cbfm constant bandwidth frequency modulation 恒定带宽频率调制
- cbft cubic feet 立方英尺
- CBFAP Commander British Forces, Arabian Peninsula 阿拉伯半岛英国军队司令
- CBFBS Cyprus British Forces Broadcasting Service 塞浦路斯英国军队广播公司
- CBFCA Commander, British Forces, Caribbean 加勒比英国军队指挥官
CBF 相关例句更多>
- Black semiliquid, mixed by CBF and soft pitch.
- CBF 6283,HUANGHUA tower,LIG 2 D,climb and maintain 4500 meters on standard.
- Results CBF and blood pressure littlechange on superior cervical ganglion resection.
- This position is to implement price analysis and process control within the quotation process at the CBF Suzhou manufacturing facility.