• 单词发音:英 [ krʌntʃ taim ] 美 [ krʌntʃ taɪm ]
  • 基本解释:最後時刻,緊要的關頭
  • crunch time 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 名词(n.) 最後時刻,緊要的關頭

crunch time 相关例句更多>

  • It's crunch time.
  • But we're in a time crunch, and we need someone now.
    但我们现在缺乏时间 并且我们现在就需要人。
  • At this time the real estate tax reform has been crunch time.
  • We seem to be in a crunch of one kind or another all the time.
  • But his lack of assertiveness, especially in crunch time, held him back.
    但他缺乏自信, 特别是在关键时刻, 拖拉他的后腿。
  • A Its crunch time, isnt it I wasnt nervous before the meeting, but now I am.
    这是个难关, 对吧我开会前还不紧张的, 但现在我紧张了。




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