• 基本解释:舒张压
  • diastolic pressure 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 舒张压

diastolic pressure 相关例句更多>

  • Increased diastolic blood pressure
  • The systolic pressure, diastolic pressure and heart rate showed no significant changes.
  • The diastolic pressure, therefore, reflects the minimum pressure to which the arteries are exposed.
  • deflated too slowly makes forearm congestion, resulting in increased diastolic blood pressure readings.
  • Systole presses heighten, diastolic pressure drops, pressing of arteries and veins also increases accordingly.
    收缩压增高, 舒张压下降, 脉压也相应增大。
  • The type of cerebrovascular accidents and mean diastolic pressure are the riskfactors related to the mortality.
  • From late adolescence onward, males showed a greater increase in diastolic blood pressure with age than females.
    从青春期晚期往后, 男性随年龄的舒张压增幅高于女性。
  • The cuff pressure reading at the time when the sound disappears from the stethoscope is called the diastolic pressure.
  • Relationship of pulse pressure, systolic pressure and diastolic pressure with metabolic syndrome in 2 456 healthy people
    健康体检者2 456名脉压收缩压和舒张压与代谢综合征的关系
  • Adult blood pressure is considered normal at 120/ 80 where the first number is the systolic pressure and the second is the diastolic pressure.
    成年人的血压正常值是120/ 80,第一个数字是心脏收缩压,而第二个数字是心脏舒张压。




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